
Volume 51, Number 3 (2013)

Feature Articles


Research Use by Cooperative Extension Educators in New York State
Stephen F. Hamilton, Emily K. Chen, Karl Pillemer, and Rhoda H. Meador


Factors Associated with Ongoing Commitment to a Volunteer Stream-Monitoring Program
Heather Akin, Bret Shaw, Kristine F. Stepenuck, and Elizabeth Goers


Developing a Parent-Centered Obesity Prevention Program for 4-H Families: Implications for Extension Family Programming
Carrie J. Banke, Sandra J. Bailey, Jill Martz, Lynn Paul, Wesley Lynch, and Galen Eldridge


Personal Problems Among Rural Youth and Their Relation to Psychosocial Well-Being
Tommy M. Phillips, Brandy A. Randall, Donna J. Peterson, Joe D. Wilmoth, and Lloyd E. Pickering

Research in Brief


Perceived Impact of the 2011 Texas 4-H Roundup on Participants' Development of Life Skills
Holli Leggette, Shannon Lawrence, Kyle Merten, and Peter McGuill


Assessing Youth Perceptions and Knowledge of Agriculture: The Impact of Participating in an AgVenture Program
Alisa Nicole Luckey, Theresa Pesl Murphey, Richard L. Cummins, and Michael B. Edwards


Lessons in a Box Make a Difference for Head Start Youth
Kelly K. Kunkel, Ghaffar A. Hurtado, Stephanie Conrad, Brianna Routh, Ju Ri Joeng, and Megan Harrison


Rain Barrels: A Catalyst for Change?
Michele E. Bakacs, Mike Haberland, Salvatore S. Mangiafico, Aileen Winquist, Christopher C. Obropta, and Sara Mellor


Simple Lawn Irrigation Measurement Training for Master Gardeners and Homeowners
Justin Quetone Moss, John E. Haase, Jason R. Vogel, Tracy A. Boyer, and Dennis L. Martin

Ideas at Work


Growing Youth Food Citizens
Wynne Wright and Katherine Nault


Digital Badges in 4-H
Bradley S. Barker, Nancy Valentine, and John (Tony) A. Cook

Tools of the Trade


The Media and the BP Oil Spill
Lucina E. Lampila and J David Bankston


Cover Crop Chart: An Intuitive Educational Resource for Extension Professionals
Mark A. Liebig, Holly Johnson, David Archer, John Hendrickson, Kristine Nichols, Marty Schmer, and Don Tanaka



Change Is Inevitable: How Field Specialist Positions Can Help Meet the Challenge
Nancy Bowen-Ellzey, Eric Romich, David Civttolo, and Greg Davis