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Cultural Studies of Science Education






Springer Netherlands


This review explores Meyers and Crawford’s “Teaching science as a cultural way of knowing: Merging authentic inquiry, nature of science, and multicultural strategies” by examining how they combine the use of inquiry-based science instruction with multicultural strategies. In this conversation, I point to the need of specific discourse strategies to help teachers and students create hybrid spaces to push the boundaries of cultural congruence as described in this article. These strategies include a reflective component to the explicit instruction that encourages an integration of home and science discourses. My response to this work expands on their use of multicultural strategies to push toward a congruent Third space that asks not only what happens to the students who do not participate in science, but also what happens to science when a diverse group of people does not participate?


This manuscript has been published in the journal Cultural Studies of Science Education. Please find the published version here (note that a subscription is necessary to access this version):

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