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Kentucky State Department of Education


The 1994 and 1995 School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Surveys were conducted in the fall of each of those years for the Study of Education Policy. This report compares the 1994 and 1995 responses to three questions: (1) What do people think of the effectiveness of SBDM? (2) Who is involved in the SBDM decisions? and (3) What are councils doing? The discussion focuses on school and district effectiveness, the barriers to SBDM, SBDM trainers' network, parent involvement, efforts to involve minorities and women, council productivity, improvement strategies, and the budget process. Findings show that most people rate SBDM as good to excellent in their school and district, and ratings increased in both good and excellent categories from 1994 to 1995. Superintendents reported more efforts to involve, recruit, and hire women and minorities than did SBDM council members or non-SBDM principals, and nearly 80 percent of principals reported that they had not tried some of the more successful strategies for parent involvement in SBDM such as potluck dinners or neighborhood meetings. It is hoped that as more councils have more experience with SBDM, longitudinal data will help councils track effectiveness, productivity, and ways SBDM involves more parents in education.

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