Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)

Legacy Department


First Advisor

Gayland B. Witherspoon

Second Advisor

A. E. Schwart


The intention of this study is to find an approach to the design of the space, area, or opening which occurs between two spaces, primarily exterior and interior, commonly referred to as an entrance. The space is important because the design of it must be executed in such a way as to not only transform one physically, but also to prepare one for the function to which he is being directed, expectedly or unexpectedly, by conscious or unconscious means. This space is referred to as a transitional preparatory space (TPS). It also must be understood that the TPS occurs when one, both enters and exists a building space or area. When one is prepared consciously or unconsciously for expected or unsuspected spaces or areas, before or upon entering them, then the purpose of the TPS will be to prepare one architecturally for any difference in function of various spaces. After an investigation of what factors influence a successful TPS and why, the design of a church was pursued to exemplify in physical form how specific transitional preparatory spaces work. Through the use of a scale model, (see Appendixes A and B) the various TPS's were able to be experiences three-dimensionally. Because of the quality of the TPS is evaluated through the sense, and TPS effect is on the emotions, and cannot be readily rationalized, measured or depicted, one must actually experience a tansitional preparatory space to fully appreciate its importance. One can conclude that since the architecture is designed by space relationships, then the psychological, sensual, visual, cultural, and socal links found in transitional preparatory space are essential to the total success of the architecture.
