Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair/Advisor

Dave Lee

Committee Member

Dr. James Corbin Stevens

Committee Member

Dr. Michael Carlos Barrios Kleiss


Advancements in technology, particularly computational design tools, have transformed the field of architectural design. However, it is crucial to evaluate the impact of technology on the core principles of problem-solving and the design process within architecture. This study aims to examine the consequences and opportunities associated with the integration of technology in architectural design, focusing on the necessity of maintaining a strong problem-solving foundation. Architectural problem-solving involves spatial organization, functional requirements, contextual integration, and user experience. These principles guide architects in addressing design challenges and achieving successful outcomes. The design process comprises stages such as research, analysis, concept development, and construction documentation. Understanding these principles and the design process is essential for assessing the impact of technology. By investigating the effects of technology on construction, parametric modeling, digital fabrication, and environmental analysis, this research analyzes how technology can enhance or hinder the problem-solving process. It explores cases where architects may become overly reliant on computational design software, leading to a prioritization of form generation based on algorithms rather than contextual and user needs.

The study examines the influence of technology on efficiency, creativity, and contextual responsiveness in problem-solving, providing insights into the role and implications of technology in architectural design. Through case studies, it explores historical and contemporary practices to contribute to the understanding of balancing technological advancements with problem-solving requirements. The research addresses several key questions, including the effects of technology on problem-solving principles, the potential neglect of essential aspects in favor of aesthetic appeal and fabrication novelty, and strategies for evaluating the appropriateness of technology in design processes. The findings highlight the importance of maintaining a balanced approach where technology serves as an enabler rather than a distraction or substitute for thoughtful design thinking.

This research focuses on the intersection of technology and architectural design, evaluating the consequences and challenges of technology integration. It emphasizes the necessity of technology supporting problem-solving principles and provides insights into effectively utilizing technology in architectural design. By maintaining a strong problem-solving foundation, architects can harness the potential of computational design to create impactful and meaningful architectural solutions.



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