Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Committee Member

Nicole Martinez, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Timothy DeVol

Committee Member

Robert Sinclair


Various techniques were implemented at Princeton University in an effort to improve the safety climate associated with open-source radioactive material use. The initial and post-intervention safety climate of those working in radiation laboratories was assessed by fielding surveys and conducting behavioral observations. Baseline results of assessed safety climate categories indicated safety practices and safety compliance were in the most in need of improvement. Specific training based on these results was provided to laboratory members, and creative signage and a safety newsletter were posted in and around laboratories for reinforcement. Signage posted utilized pop cultural memes and other engaging graphics, designed to raise awareness of appropriate safety practices and the minimum laboratory attire expected while working in radioactive material laboratories. Post-intervention results indicated a more positive response for most safety climate categories and less instances of improper safety practices. Collaborative techniques and increased communication between researchers and staff members appear to have initiated an improvement in the safety climate.



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