Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair/Advisor

Brooke A. Whitworth

Committee Member

Golnaz Arastoopour-Irgens

Committee Member

Kris Frady

Committee Member

Julianne A. Wenner


This three paper dissertation investigates the role of the District Science Coordinator (DSC). Due to the lack of research, District Science Coordinators (DSCs) are frequently misidentified as Science Teacher Leaders (STLs). It is important to establish a clear distinction between the roles. This first paper explores the salient similarities and differences between STLs and DSCs, while also attending to their individual roles, responsibilities, and professional support.

This second paper examines how a synchronous, online professional learning (PL) experience resulted in the creation of a community of practice (CoP) among two different groups of participating district science coordinators (DSCs) and how those participants described the value they gained through their experience.. The participants in this professional development program found value in their participation and the networking and collaboration they experienced. Frequent opportunities for DSCs to network and collaborate led to the formation of mutual engagement as they pursued the joint endeavor of supporting teachers through high-quality professional learning related to 3-dimensional (3D) science instruction.

The final study investigates the professional identity of DSCs, building upon existing frameworks from the science and teacher leadership domains. Interviews with DSCs in various districts and contexts were completed to gain insight to the diversity of this role. Findings suggest recognition is linked to the title DSCs hold and understood by others. Overall, this research contributes to understanding the operationalization of competence, performance, and recognition in shaping DSCs' professional identities, and how others view them.

Author ORCID Identifier


Available for download on Saturday, May 31, 2025
