Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair/Advisor

Shitao Liu

Committee Member

Mishko Mitkovski

Committee Member

Cody Stockdale

Committee Member

Jeong-Rock Yoon


Abstract In this dissertation, we consider the inverse problem for a second-order hyperbolic equation of recovering n + 3 unknown coefficients defined on an open bounded domain with a smooth enough boundary. We also consider the inverse problem of recovering an unknown coefficient on the Euler- Bernoulli plate equation on a lower-order term again defined on an open bounded domain with a smooth enough boundary. For the second-order hyperbolic equation, we show that we can uniquely and (Lipschitz) stably recover all these coefficients from only using half of the corresponding boundary measurements of their solutions, and for the plate equation, we show that we can uniquely and stably recover the coefficient by using two measurements on the boundary. The proofs for solving both inverse problems are based on a post-Carleman estimate strategy developed by Isakov in [19], continuous observability inequalities, and regularity theory.



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