Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Education and Human Development

Committee Member

Michelle Cook

Committee Member

Nafees Khan

Committee Member

Cassie Quigley

Committee Member

LaGarrett King


Lacking in educational research are the positive narratives of Black male students and their science classroom learning experiences, as told through the voices of Black male science students. This study highlighted the normative scientific practices found in A Framework for K-12 Science Education that four Black male science students experienced during a cells unit in their rural middle school science classrooms. Their shared science-student beliefs centered around the themes of confidence and capabilities, behaviors matter, the perceptions and expectations held by self and others and the utility of the normative scientific practice. These study findings provided a counter-narrative to the predominantly negative schooling experiences of Black male students. Moreover, the findings revealed the instructional significance of exploring the contention and harmony between student beliefs, teacher instructional intentions, and the performance expectations of normative scientific practices.



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