Date of Award


Document Type

Terminal Project

Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture


Hala Nassar

Committee Member

David Lycke

Committee Member

Cliff Ellis


Abstract The ability for small urban spaces to be designed, built, & maintained is becoming threatened, both, domestically and internationally. Responding to a modern world, this study provides insights on how small urban spaces can adapt to the future. A goal of this research is to define design guidelines for small urban spaces, in order to ensure the long-term success of these critical urban spaces. This study utilizes data collection techniques adopted from urbanoligist William Whyte and architect Jan Gehl. The mixed-method approach for collecting information about how people utilize small urban spaces is going to provide valuable design guidelines that inform the final project. This research is important, by thoroughly understanding the social, economic, and cultural benefits of small urban spaces, professionals can better develop our most costly urbanized areas. The impact creates relevant, organized, and safe spaces for the enjoyment of residents and visitors of our most urbanized areas. The possible positive economic, social, and environmental impacts small urban spaces on their surroundings can be powerful. Finally, this paper makes people aware of the design alternatives that can secure a positive future for struggling small urban space.
