

Worldwide trends suggest we are witnessing a global “campus mental health crisis” (Andersen, Holm, & Côté, 2021). According to the most recent US National College Health Assessment, over the course of a typical month, 29% of students chronically experience high levels of stress, 42% experience stress that negatively impacts their performance or progress towards their degree, and 66% feel hopeless (National College Health Assessment, 2022a). Study reviews in various countries indicate that the prevalence of students meeting criteria for a mental health disorder is alarmingly high (e.g., 25% depressive disorder, Sheldon et al., 2021). Accordingly, students’ demand for mental health services has reached new heights (Xiao et al., 2017).While this rise in psychological distress and help-seeking behavior is likely in part due to decreased mental health stigma (Lipson, Lattie, & Eisenberg, 2019), postsecondary students are also believed to be facing unprecedented challenges. Ensuring that colleges and universities procure learning environments that prioritize emerging adults’ wellbeing has thus become necessary.



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