Date of Award

May 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP)


City Planning and Real Estate Development

Committee Member

Caitlin Dyckman

Committee Member

Barry Nocks

Committee Member

Timothy Green


The purpose of this study is to determine the elements and preconditions necessary for a viable, adaptive water compact particularly with climate change. Legal and scientific scholars generally agree interstate water compacts are the solution to transboundary water resource governance. Earlier water compacts in the west tend to resolve the issue of water allocation (McCormick, 1994). This research suggests which elements are necessary for a viable interstate that addresses climate change. The elements derive from scholarly writings. Then, using semi-structured interviews, I answer whether the elements are present in a setting with a contentious history over an integral water resource between two states. Namely, the Catawba-Wateree River between North Carolina and South Carolina. After conducting interviews, the results provide insight into the obstacles to essential elements. Finally, I discuss the implications of the compact’s absence and how alternative arrangements compare to a compact.



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