Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


School of Computing

Committee Member

Dr. Eric Patterson, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Dr. Victor Zordan

Committee Member

Professor David Donar

Committee Member

Professor Insun Kwon


The World Health Organization calls stress the health epidemic of the twenty-first century [40]. Finding ways to manage stress – not just for our own health, but also for the health of our communities and children – is one of our most significant challenges for wellness. Virtual-reality (VR) therapy is the use of stimulated, interactive, and immersive environments as a tool for physical and psychological healthcare applications [31]. VR therapy and mindfulness practices have both been shown to alleviate stress and anxiety. The mobile application detailed here attempts to aid in stress reduction using virtual-reality therapy by immersing the user in a calming VR environment to encourage mindfulness in nature. It is my hope that the use of this mobile application will provide users with a sacred space from which they can escape from day-to-day stressors.



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