Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Legacy Department

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Committee Chair/Advisor

Britt, Thomas W

Committee Member

Moore , DeWayne

Committee Member

Raymark , Patrick

Committee Member

Taylor , Mary Anne


The current study was undertaken to better understand what resources individuals use in work and family domains that allow them to balance work and family responsibilities and the outcomes associates with these resources. Hospital employees of a metropolitan area hospital (N = 174) completed surveys at two time periods (4 months separation) on perceptions of resources in work and family domains, as well as organizational, family, and well-being outcomes. In addition, supervisors rated employees' performance at Time 2. Structural Equation Modeling techniques were utilized in order to assess theoretical models. Results revealed that perceptions of availability of family-friendly benefits at Time 1 predicted family performance and supervisor ratings of conscientious performance at Time 2. Perceptions of supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB) at Time 1 predicted job satisfaction, organizational commitment, intention to leave, and supervisor ratings of organizational support and conscientious performance, as well as FWC, WFE, and FWE at Time 2. Perceptions of overall organizational support (FSOP) at Time 1 predicted family performance and WFC. Emotional family support at Time 1 predicted family satisfaction, organizational commitment, and FWE at Time 2, whereas instrumental family support at Time 1 predicted Time 2 FWC. Finally, WFE and FEW mediated relationships between FSSB with organizational commitment and intentions' to leave, and WFE mediated the relationship between FSSB and supervisor ratings of organizational support performance. Future research should address the effectiveness of interventions based on the current findings.



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