Woolfian Boundaries

Woolfian Boundaries

Anna Burrells
Steve Ellis
Deborah Parsons
Kathryn Simpson

Copyright 2007, Clemson University For more information on the Clemson University Digital Press, please visit: "http://www.clemson.edu/cedp/cudp/index.htm


The Sixteenth Annual Internation Conference on Virginia Woolf aimed to explore Woolf's work from perspectives "beyond the boundary" of her own positions and attitudes, taking her coolness towards the provinces and "prejudice" against the regional novel (Letters 6: 381) as the starting point for considering her writing in the light of its own "limits," self-declared and otherwise. From the approximately 140 papers delivered at the conference by delegates from eighteen countries, the editors have chosen 26 for the present volume, ranging from Woolf's connections with the "Birmingham School" of novelists in the 1930s to her interests in environmentalism, portraiture, photography, and the media, and her endlessly fascinating relationship with the writings of her contemporaries and predecessors.