Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair/Advisor

Nic Brown

Committee Member

Keith Morris

Committee Member

Su Cho


This thesis contains the first four chapters of a novel named Depths of Perception (working title), as well as a short critical essay detailing the process of creating the chapters as well as other literary influences that impacted the construction of the work. The focus of this thesis is on the use of shifting point of view to tell a story from a multitude of character’s perspectives. While this is not a new concept, I aim to derive a deeper understanding of the importance of being able to access the perspectives of a large cast of characters. Allowing the reader the freedom to know more about the story’s characters by making all of their thoughts known, while also constraining the reader by taking away access to certain points of view at times, helps to create a layer of tension not only within the story, but also for the reader.

Included in

Fiction Commons



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