Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice

Committee Chair/Advisor

Ye Luo

Committee Member

Natallia Sianko

Committee Member

Edmond Bowers


This study utilizes two datasets obtained from the National Child Abuse and Neglect

Data System, a federally-sponsored initiative to monitor annual rates and characteristics of child maltreatment in the United States. Using a set of multinomial and negative binomial regressions, the paper seeks to examine service use among maltreated children with and without behavioral problems and emotional disturbance. The study also explores whether the service utilization gap widened among children with those conditions in 2021, during the pandemic, compared to 2018, pre-pandemic. Results demonstrated significant differences in the utilization of services among children with behavioral problems and emotional disturbance compared to those without. Children with behavioral problems were more likely to receive post-investigation, foster care, family preservation, mental health, and/or counseling services compared to children without the problems. Children with emotional disturbance were less likely to receive post-investigation and mental health and/or counseling services, compared to children without emotional disturbance. However, they were more likely foster care and family preservation, compared to children without emotional disturbance. The findings can inform policy makers, healthcare professionals and child welfare agencies in allocating resources effectively to meet the unique needs of children with behavioral problems and emotional disturbance.

Author ORCID Identifier




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