Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Mechanical Engineering

Committee Chair/Advisor

Joshua Bostwick

Committee Member

Konstantin Kornev

Committee Member

Zhen Li

Committee Member

Phanindra Tallapragada


Capillary surfaces are defined by an interface endowed with surface tension that is partially supported by a solid substrate and are susceptible to oscillations reflecting a balance between fluid inertia and the restorative force of surface tension. The wave dynamics strongly depend upon volume change within the domain and edge effects through the boundary conditions applied at the contact-line formed at the liquid-gas-solid interface, while the spatial wave structure conforms to the geometry of the capillary surface. This dissertation develops mathematical models to address these effects for several canonical capillary surfaces, which are organized into two parts that are focused on natural oscillations and parametric oscillations, respectively.

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