Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)


Meng Zhu


Donald House

Document Type



Computer Science

Publication Date

Spring 2013


Research have shown that specifically designed textures applied on geometrical surfaces can greatly enhance human perception of the shape, orientation and spatial relationships of the surfaces. This is especially so for surfaces in a stereoscopic display environment. However, virtually all practical systems of volumetric rendering use no texture. Previous studies that have looked at this issue used either simple 3D surfaces or terrain surfaces. In this work, we explore the application of textures to more complex surfaces that come from various sources, e.g. an isosurface extracted from a volume dataset. The challenge is to generate uniformly distributed grid like textures on complex surfaces that naturally follow the geometry of the surface. We incorporate the texturing method directly into a fast volume rendering process to enhance the perception of complex surfaces present in a volume dataset. To measure the effectiveness of the texture, we conduct user studies where user is asked to orient a probe to give the estimate of the surface normal at the probe attachment position which will be compared with true surface normal direction.