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Librarians Transforming Textbooks: The Past, Present, and Future of the Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative

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Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) is an initiative of the University System of Georgia (USG) to reduce the cost of textbooks for USG students. This article outlines current problems with textbook pricing, the origins of ALG within USG Library Services, current efforts and future plans for ALG, and the role of USG librarians in making required textbooks more affordable.




Article published in the Georgia Library Quarterly available online at: http://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/glq/.



Librarians Transforming Textbooks: The Past, Present, and Future of the Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative

Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) is an initiative of the University System of Georgia (USG) to reduce the cost of textbooks for USG students. This article outlines current problems with textbook pricing, the origins of ALG within USG Library Services, current efforts and future plans for ALG, and the role of USG librarians in making required textbooks more affordable.