Mississauga City Hall, Ontario, Canada

Gayle Lynn Nicoll


Like many jurisdictions the City of Seneca, South Carolina has steadily increased the size of its local government to meet the needs of a growing populous. Due to the wide range of services provided to the people of Seneca, the city governement is divided into several branches each specialising in a particular field of service. At this time several of these governmental branches are in a desperate need for better and more accomodating bases of operation. Many of the departments have outgrown their exisiting facilities or the facility is in need of repair. This project will deal with the immediate needs of the Street and Sanitation Department, and the Public Utilities Department as well as the needs for the Police Department, Town Planner, Chamber of Commerce, and the City Government itself. The goal of this project will be to design the facility to serve the needs of the city so they can proudly be identified with the new facility.