Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Studies

First Advisor

Thomas McPeak

Second Advisor

Ireland Requier

Third Advisor

Vernon S. Hodges


During my advanced studies, I have been primarily concerned with continuing: 1) to develop my visual vocabulary, and 2) to cultivate and to understand my sources. The first of these endeavors has involved studio activity with an emphasis on experimentation, discovery, and extension. These experiences have been related to exploation in terms of: medium, design, composition, value, and color. During my graduate studies I have worked in oil, watercolor, graphite pencil, and colored pencil. I have dealt with the potentials of expression concerning shape and form, abstraction and representation. I have developed my capabilities and understanding of composition, and I have worked with the concepts of expression available in the use of color and value. The second of these goals is more intangible. The search for sources has involved personal and historical scrutiny. Through classroom and individual study, I have continued to study artists and art history. By seeking to understand the relationship of artists to their cultures and to their personal histories, I am enabled in my search to understand the development. of my own espression. The result of the studio activity is the work itself; moreover, the development of confidence in my understanding of my materials, the kind of confidence which encourages new extensions and discoveries which is most valuable. As this document is concluded, I am especially excited about the possibilities of colored pencil dreawing as I continue to seek a resoluation of the color and value problems I have experienced.