Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Legacy Department

Applied Sociology

Committee Chair/Advisor

Wentworth, William


Through content analysis, the thesis examines how print media frame the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that assists in the expression of a pro-Israeli bias. More specifically it investigates the New York Times and the Associated Press coverage of the Palestinian and Israeli deaths reported during the second Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006 (July 12, 2006-September 8, 2006). The study found that both news sources expressed their pro-Israeli bias through legitimatizing and de-legitimizing Israeli and Palestinian killings. The New York Times generally justified Israeli killers and killings, condemned Palestinian killers and killings, and assigned more prominence to the Israeli side of the conflict. The Associated Press generally justified Israeli killers and killings, condemned Palestinian killers and killings, and assigned more prominence to the Palestinian side of the conflict. Both news sources displayed non-coverage bias in that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was overshadowed by the war occurring in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah.



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