Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP)


Planning, Development, and Preservation

Committee Member

Dr. James H. Spencer, Committee

Committee Member

Chair Dr. Timothy Green

Committee Member

Dr. Elora Raymond


The purpose of this document is to explore the relationship between land tenure security and housing investment among households in Bangladeshi poor settlements. Tenure security is viewed through ownership over the property. Whether people squat, rent, or own their living space indicates a certain level of tenure security. Level of housing investment is approached through the physical structure of the house, or more specifically, floor materials. Cluster-robust standard error logistic regression method is utilized to explore this relationship in order to fix the issue of households located in the same settlement being correlated with each other. Households with greater tenure security, either renters or owner occupants, are more likely than squatters to have cement floors, which are more permanent and expensive materials then others like bamboo, wood or sand. However, renters of non-government properties are more likely than owner occupants to use cement floors. After all, although greater tenure security does have a positive impact on housing investment, the market force in which housing is seen as a business opportunity can be a stronger factor in encouraging investment even in poor communities.



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