Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department


Committee Chair/Advisor

Harding, Daniel

Committee Member

Allison , David

Committee Member

Schwennsen , Katherine

Committee Member

Klotz , Leidy

Committee Member

McCubbin , Mary Beth

Committee Member

Eidson , Gene


In his seminal work De Architectura (The Ten Books on Architecture), the Roman architect Vitruvius proposed a definition that became a lasting benchmark for the elements of [DESIGN] -Firmness, Commodity, and Delight. While this three-part definition provided a common lens through which to view [DESIGN], it also created a divide between the trained 'specialists' who create [DESIGN] and the Community who experience and interact with it. For Vitruvius, [DESIGN] provided a physical demarcation of place and created a shared association that was collectively understood as a Community. As the idea of Community has become increasingly dissociated with place in the physical world, it has become more strongly identified as the collective experience shared by a group of people and the resulting values they hold. The relationship between the Product and Process of [DESIGN] is a critical component of the relationship between [DESIGN] and Community. Product and Process should not be considered as disparate entities but understood as mutually beneficial and influential components of both [DESIGN] and Community. When [DESIGN] and Community embrace a Process of mutualistic interaction it creates a Product that converges the intrinsic values and components of both.
The traditional model of [DESIGN] engaging communities involves a top-down, Product centric approach identified and discussed as [Community by DESIGN]. At the other end of the spectrum, many Communities have self organized and worked from the bottom-up in a Process oriented approach categorized as [DESIGN by Community]. This thesis begins with a critical examination of each of these methodologies within the context of the Vitruvian Triad as a framework for understanding the existing divide between [DESIGN] and Community. It will then close with a critical examination of how the convergence of these concepts yields constructs that are both Product & Process based. For the purpose of this thesis, these critical points are demonstrated by examining a fabrication project executed by the author that embodies the assertion of the thesis. By actively seeking the convergence of [DESIGN] and Community, each is able to achieve a level of actualization beyond that which is possible in isolation. This convergence is understood as [Community by DESIGN by Community].

Included in

Architecture Commons



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