Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Historic Preservation

Committee Chair/Advisor

McStotts, Jennifer

Committee Member

Poston, Jonathan

Committee Member

Robbins, Ashley

Committee Member

Russell, Robert


Charleston, South Carolina is one of the nation's leading cities in preservation of its built environment - meaning historically and architecturally significant dwellings, sites, and structures. Protection of the city's underground resources, however, falls considerably behind as there is no archaeological preservation ordinance in place, nor is there an archaeological commission or city archaeologist to oversee and administer development projects potentially affecting significant historic and archaeological remains. The purpose of this study is to address the need for archaeological resource protection for the city by providing a better understanding of the importance of urban archaeology and by examining and identifying gaps within current federal, state, and local preservation regulations. Recommendations will be offered on how Charleston can effectively incorporate archaeological protection measures into city regulations in order for the preservation of the city's archaeological heritage to reflect the same level of excellence Charleston has achieved in preservation of its built environment.



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