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Patent Number

patent number 4771742


A method of attaining a desired engine performance comprises the steps of changing the angular position of a variable camlobe (or cam) member relative to a fixed camlobe (or cam) member from a first angular position to a second angular position. In changing from the first to the second angular position, the variable camlobe (or cam) member moves in a predetermined direction relative to the direction of rotation of a camshaft. The predetermined direction and the magnitude of the angular movement of the variable camlobe (or cam) member is dependent at least in part upon at least one desired operating condition of the engine. The method further comprises changing the angular position of both camlobe (or cam) members relative to a reference point of a drive pulley. This change in the angular position of both of the camlobe (or cam) members relative to the reference point involves movement of the camlobes (or cams) in a direction relative to the direction of rotation of a camshaft. The direction and magnitude of this movement is based at least in part upon at least one desired operating condition of the engine.

Application Number



Clemson University (Clemson, SC)

Filing Date


Primary/U.S. Class


Other/U.S. Class

