Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Studies

First Advisor

Ireland Requier

Second Advisor

James A. Stockham

Third Advisor

John F. Acorn


The thesis will explain wh y direct responses to nature are important to my sculpture and why I have chosen to work with natural materials as a means of expression. I am concerned with the v isual qualities and relationships of both functional agrestic objects and natural phenomena. The random and ordered placement of natural objects in the environment are sculptural in relationship to their form. By changing the fo rm and context of natural materials certain mysteries and visual curiosities in nature can be brought to the surface and viewed in a new light. The biotic materials that I use, such as sticks, woodshavings, and nuts are important to the design and understanding of my sculpture. They are incorporated for their workability, textural qualities and suggestive power. The relationships must carry on a certain dialogue that is homogeneous, thereby achieving unity . The methods that I employ to fabricate my sculpture must coincide with my intentions. I prefer to work directly with the material to retain the desired freshness and vitality which is an important quality in all of my work.