Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Applied Economics and Statistics

Committee Chair/Advisor

Hughes, David W

Committee Member

Boys , Kathryn

Committee Member

Willis , David B


Supporters claim that entrepreneurship is critical to building and sustaining the economy of urban and rural areas across the nation. Proponents argue that economic development practices that enhance and support entrepreneurship are essential because they cultivate innovation which, in turn, provides the area with new jobs, new wealth, and a better quality of life. However, self-employment income growth in South Carolina in particular and in the United States in general has lagged growth in income from other sources. This fact raises the need to study the determinants of self-employed income. Using the literature as a guide, a conceptual model was developed that consist of independent variables based on personal characteristics, resource availability, and economic structure. The investigation of the determinants of self-employed income in South Carolina is carried out using a regression of the natural logarithmic of self-employed income in 2008 on the variables selected from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Samples (IPUMS) database based on the conceptual model. In general, empirical results are consistent with expected outcomes. Policy implications focus on numerous programs that economic development agencies can implement to increase the availability of resources to entrepreneurs and help meet training needs.



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