Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Legacy Department


Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Scott Baier

Committee Member

Dr. Scott Templeton

Committee Member

Dr. Robert Tamura


Corruption is suggested to have a negative impact on productivity and thus growth. Several studies have studied the relationship closely, including Hall and Jones (1999) and Lambsdorff (2003). This paper seeks to build on their foundation and specify a new and robust model by looking at the effect of corruption controls on total factor productivity through a two-stage least squares regression. Since it is through public institutions that corruption manifests, also examined are differences between `inclusive' and `extractive' institutions. Also important is the degree to which a state is centralized. Extraction by way of corrupt institutions differs in highly centralized states and highly disordered states. It is through this framework that the relationship between productivity and corruption is analyzed.

Corruption and Productivity Dataset.xlsx (2392 kB)

Corruption and (5 kB)
corruption and

Corruption and Productivity.dta (2939 kB)
corruption and productivity.dta

Included in

Economics Commons



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