Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Anderson, Denise

Committee Member

Schmalz , Dorothy

Committee Member

Barcelona , Robert


Considerable research suggests that parents play an important role in the youth sports environment, however we are often unaware of the motivations that influence parents' involvement, or lack thereof, in their child's sports activities. This study examined the role of parent involvement in the youth sports environment, specifically among youth swim team participants. Interviews were conducted with parents to examine their level of involvement with their child's youth sport. A transcendental or psychological phenomenology was used to analyze the data that emerged from the interviews. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed and limitations and suggestions for future research are noted. Results revealed what parents view as involvement, that parents are involved because they want to spend time together with their child at swimming, and parents' views of other parents' involvement.



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