Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Legacy Department

Industrial Engineering

Committee Member

Dr. Scott J. Mason, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Dr. William G. Ferrell

Committee Member

Dr. Kevin M. Taaffe

Committee Member

Dr. Maria E. Mayorga


While logistics research recently has placed increased focus on disruptionmanagement, few studies have examined the response and recovery phases in post-disaster operations. We present a multiple-objective, integrated network optimizationmodel for making strategic decisions in the supply distribution and network restorationphases of humanitarian logistics operations. Our model provides an equity- or fairness-based solution for constrained capacity, budget, and resource problems in post-disasterlogistics management. We then generate efficient Pareto frontiers to understand the trade-off between the objectives of interest.Next, we present a goal programming-based multiple-objective integratedresponse and recovery model. The model prescribes fairness-based compromise solutionsfor user-desired goals, given limited capacity, budget, and available resources. Anexperimental study demonstrates how different decision making strategies can beformulated to understand important dimensions of decision making.Considering multiple, conflicting objectives of the model, generating Pareto-optimal front with ample, diverse solutions quickly is important for a decision maker tomake a final decision. Thus, we adapt the well-known Non-dominated Sorting GeneticAlgorithm II (NSGA-II) by integrating an evolutionary heuristic with optimization-basedtechniques called the Hybrid NSGA-II for this NP-hard problem. A Hypervolume-basedtechnique is used to assess the algorithm’s effectiveness. The Hazards U.S. Multi-Hazard(Hazus)-generated regional case studies based on earthquake scenarios are used todemonstrate the applicability of our proposed models in post-disaster operations.



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